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A photographic photosynthetic update - By Harold

Well, look who decided to show up around these parts again. Me! It’s been a while since I last rapped at ya’ and in that time things have changed.

The basil have grown from this:

Look how shrimpy they are!

To this:

A melange of green.

You may notice some of them are different. That’s because I started up some tomatoes and peppers from seed courtesy of Z. I should thank him by sending him the fruits of my labor by mail. And if they’re all rotten by the time they get to him, he should eat them anyway because that’s just good manners. It’d be hilarious to see him cook with them and write a p0st about it.


When the days are sunny but cold, I put the plants in mini greenhouses I made from the tops of the same water bottles the pots are made from. God bless the bottlers of SamDaSoo water for using such a highly versatile container.

Just basil in this shot. The pepper and tomato seedlings were too fragile I think.

Pop the top.

They're getting more robust.

If I were to do things differently, I would have started later and I would have started outside with these clear greenhouse tops for new seedlings to give them partial protection from the cold and the wind. The whole thing with the lights and being indoors is a huge pain in the ass because when you start things inside, they grow unbothered by the elements. This makes them soft and weak so I have to take the time to gradually acclimate them to the outdoors.


  1. Z wrote:

    Your first line immediately reminded me of Jim Anchower from The Onion.

    Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 6:07 pm | Permalink
  2. Anni wrote:

    When is the next update coming?

    Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 12:24 am | Permalink

One Trackback/Pingback

  1. Food, By Z › Mama-Made Meals and New Guest Bloggers on Saturday, May 1, 2010 at 6:13 pm

    [...] Edit (5/1/2010):  Harold has started growing the seeds. [...]

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