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Category Archives: Tips & Tricks

A Post About Compost

It’s still winter in Korea and when it comes to winters, Korean winters are pretty mild. As a Southern California native, I don’t think it’s a picnic to walk around with my face all numb, but it can get worse. Just ask a Canadian. You can tell who the Canadians are in winter because they’re [...]

What’s a Yumberry?

Here’s a picture of Yumberry Grapefruit yogurt. Taken on my roof. I didn’t think the Yumberry looked good on its own. Well, to tell the truth, I didn’t think yumberries were an actual thing. Or rather, I thought it was simply a marketing name for a blend of berries. Well, turns out it’s a marketing [...]

Cleaning Cast Iron

One of the best Christmas gifts I’ve ever received was the cast iron skillet you see above. My sister got it for me along with a plethora of other kitchen gadgets. Now that I think of it, she also got me the collapsible salad spinner I mentioned in an earlier post as a Christmas gift. [...]

A (Near) Perfect Ice Cream Float: Oatmeal Stout Floats and More!

I hesitate to call this concoction perfect only because perfection in cooking really is in the mouth of the beholder (tongue of the beholder?). I might think a dish is perfect and you might complain that it’s too spicy. Then, of course, I will make fun of you for being a baby, but that is [...]

Freezing Tofu for Texture

I originally posted this to Flickr on September 2, 2009. I had just bought a G1 (a T-mobile phone running Android) and it had a 2 megapixel camera. I was so excited because I thought that meant I could start a food blog because I finally had a camera. Unfortunately, this picture stifled all of [...]